Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Women as News Anchors Essay -- Women Feminism Careers Employment Essay

Women as News AnchorsWomen in all c beers are seek to gain equality in the work forcetoday, and female video recording news anchors are definitely part of the fight. Theroad to television news anchoring is a rocky one, where only a few women surviveand many fail. Where progress was once thought to have been made, there arentmany females getting ahead in the world of television news. Today, there is avery slow, if any, gain in the numbers of women who succeed.There are many questions surrounding the subject of women in televisionnews, and I will attempt to answer pertinent ones in this paper. How have thewomen that actually fetch it to the top and succeed as anchorwomen, done it?What does it take to make it? Why do those few endure it/enjoy it? Why has itbeen and still is difficult for women? What are the expectations of women inthe field, as opposed to the expectations of men?I am interested in this topic because I once aspired to become atelevision broadcaster. I still have ins piration in me, scarcely not quite as muchdue to the negative and discouraging aspects I have heard about in classes andin the media. I am not sure that I could be happy in a career such as this, andI know there are great difficulties in making it in this profession. I haveread about the incredible ambition of successful females in television news, andit seems like it takes a special form of passion to want to keep up in thebusiness.I kept my questions in mind when gathering research material. Whilefocusing on the unwrap questions, I was able to find information that led me toform answers to them. Christine Crafts biography told of her individualexperience of being fired on the basis of her looks and her age. I effectedfrom reading her story that she had a nose for news, a passion for telling itto the world, and a unique spark that made her a good journalist, even so thosequalities werent enough in her case. She took that passion and spark, filed asexual discrimination case and won.Hard News Women in Broadcast Journalism had a few chapters that wererelevant to today, and I could draw on some information for my paper. However,much of the information was historical and not helpful to answering my questions.Battling for News concentrated mainly on print journalism. There wasmaterial about the fi... ...ays of anchormen, Old anchors never fade away. And they cant bekilled by mortal means (Katz 1995, p. 164).Sadly, forward movements arent apparent today by women in televisionnews. Forty years ago, a female gaining the anchor position on the evening newswas a leap forward. Today it feels more(prenominal) like a step backward, an attempt tostuff accomplished, contemporary women into an ill-fitting straightjacket (Katz1995, p. 164).It is apparent that women news anchors face many more struggles than menin the field. It takes a unique individual to fight through those struggles andstrive for what they want most to relay news throughout the world. Equalitywith men is far from being reached, but a few females have stood their groundand hopefully made a difference for others that follow. If people open theireyes and realize there are masses of women who are just as, if not more,competent than men at holding an anchor position, women could gain respectwithin the field. For now, the few women who find success and are willing toendure the hardships that come along will likely survive in the business, atleast until age hinders their physical appearance.

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